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My Quit Smoking Roster
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DeadSmoke June 16, 2004
Here's something that might get you to heed a bit of caution, I am now quit since July 25, 2001 but I find all of a sudden That I get very light urges to just have one, so with all the reading that I've done and what other people have told me and I mean those that are quit for some 10 to 20 years, we will be hooked for the rest of our life and the Nicotine monster can wake up anytime and it is up to us to stop him so simply don't give in to those urges/cravings.
If you quit just be aware that this Demon can rear it's head at the most inconvenient times to attack us and tempt us, stay cool and don't give in, stay an Ex-Smoker for life we can do it or we must or face the consequences.

November 21, 2003
I know it has been a long time since I said anything, I went to Quitnet today, I am now 14 months free of Coughing and what have you, so I am just letting you know that I am still here, after 58 years I know it is hard to let go, it means breaking a Tradition that I was used to, People, keep it up, you can do it, don't let your mind overide your will, that is what this is all about you must fight it to the very end and believe you me, it is not an easy undertaking, if you smoke, you might as well say that you are addicted to DRUGS and Tobacco is worse than CRACK, SPEED, OPIUM or HEROIN and Pot is also no better than Tobacco,please remember that and get off the damn Smoke crap.

November 13, 2002
Here's something I've totally forgotten about... Chewing Tobacco ... it is just as dangerous as smoking so stay off it
I am now off the smokes, people it does work, to some of you who get all uptight because QUIT day has arrived, Take my word it is not as bad as it would seem, granted the first two weeks can be hell, please, I smoked for 58 Long years, I am lucky not to have gotten any of the Tobacco related illnesses, we didn't have any in our Family, Mom laid off Tobacco for nine + months when I was concieved, also, there was nothing in our family that would point to Cancer or any of the other rotten Illnesses, so I feel blessed to have been spared, People PLEASE... the Life you save might just be your --> OWN. <--

July 20, 2002
Feb. 23, 2002 was original quit date and I QUIT for 148 days and then I slipped and now I had to start all over again, I used Zyban to help me quit, My cravings were sometimes extremely violent for a smoke but that is all over now... what you read below is what I went through to quit smoking and it works, however be warned, you might have some idiotic friends that think it would be fun to get you back onto the NICOdemon; they don't realize just what is at stake here or they simply don't give a damn about Health be it yours or their own; they did it to me and they will do the same to you, you must find a way that will do it for you, I found being Cheap eventually did it for me, so if you slip, find a new way of giving up.
I am happy to report that I don't have these obscene Urges/Craves that I used to have when I first started, going back on the Wagon right away really helps; don't wait for weeks and then go back because you will have the same problem as before, you will have your HELLweek and Heck week (the second week) is not much better, so people do what I did and don't wait too long if and when you slip, the damage can be repaired by you if you are willing to work at it... Good luck and God bless. Here are the Vitain Pills I take every day, B6, B12, C, D. Calcium, Centrum Select and Omega 3, these are the pills and I can not complain because I feel fine, expensive but Hey, I save the money not smoking, it might be worth your while to try them, however... Ask you family Physician if you can take them, do not take them on your own, PLEASE ask you Doctor...

July 22, 2002
I think I need to tell you something here, if you slip; get back on the wagon as soon as you can; you should not have any withdrawel symptoms because your body is used not getting what it wants; now this will only work for people that have been off the Tobacco Train for a couple of months falling off after about a week will not help you in any way because your body is still craving the toxig fumes that you inhale. remember secondhand smoke, it can kill People and ANIMALS please... now I simply posted this here because I am off the smokes after I fell off the wagon for a couple of days and I don't seem to be having any ravenous urges, so it really works getting back on the Wagon fast; don't wait until it is too late "PLEASE..." and BTW, Zyban is not a MAGIC pill; so you will get off smoking slowly, I have noticed that some newcomers on QuitNet were asking if they take the pill (Zyban) will they loose the urge to smoke; oh my no... number 1 is that you need really want to QUIT or the Zyban Pill will not work because it contains NO Nicotine like Nicoderm (the patch) or Nicorette (the Gum), Zyban also goes as "Wellbutrin" and/or you can use the Lozenges or the Inhaler and everything aside from the Pills (Zyban/Wellbutrin) contain Nicotine So be careful and make sure that you really want to stop or none of these things will do you any good.
I think this is it; meaning I'm over it, I haven't had a craving now since I slipped and then went right back on the wagon, not even a small one, if I don't know what to do with myself, then simply think of something to do that does not involve smoking, I don't understand how all this ties into NOT smoking, but the actual cravings are gone now since I came back the day since I puffed and I liked it, so like I said somewhere in here, "we are all different in our makeup, what will work for me may not neccessarely work for you, keep that in mind and live by those rules.

February 23, 2002,
I quit smoking after 58 years, I can tell you it is hard to do but I had to do it for my own peace of mind, I'm getting too old now and had to curtail disaster while I could, I don't want to be getting cancer or whatever else one can imagine, since my wife was a heavy smoker and she died of congestive heart failure, well what do I know , needless to say it scared the living pants off me.
In January 1981 I had my first bypass (Aneurism) the main artery going to my heart was ready to explode, I got teflon tubes in there now, I actually quit smoking for 3 weeks on my own when I came back out of Hospital, well, that didn't last too long, I was pressured by my friends to have just one puff, just try it and you will see, nothing will happen, HA... stupid me I fell for that line, then in 1992, I got another Aneurism, so they fixed that and still, I didn't see the warning signs coming, I lost hearing on my left ear because of an exploded arterie, in a matter of 4 hours I lost my hearing there and still I didn't put 2+2 together, Doctors told me in Hospital I had to quit smoking, well, what did they know (so I thought), now after 58 years of smoking, it finally dawned on me, maybe everybody was right and I am the one on the stupid side, so here I am...
BTW, I had to have my arteries replaced because they are thin walled, so my Doctor tells me.

Don't let anyone tell you that quitting smoking is easy, it is NOT, it all depends on the other person, what works for one does not neccessarely work for the other, we may look alike but we all have different human traits, also, before you quit smoking, ask your Doctor what might be the best thing for you, some people are prone to STROKES and should not use the Patch, you might need a pill like Zyban or Wellbutrin (only via prescription), please find out before you jump onto the bandwagon, don't jeopardice your health and well being by taking stuff blindly because it could backfire on you.
I had tried 3 times before, this is the fourth and I never went this long without a smoke, I don't care, once you get the cravings for a smoke you will be surprised how easy it is to light up, be hard on yourself, look on smokes like drugs, you will be addicted to Tobacco and figure that one puff won't hurt; ah, ah, don't even think about it, if you really want to quit then you must learn to make a few new rules, don't get tripped up and go for that one puff, I did and was promtly hooked again, do yourself a favour and stay off it, remember it will be hard as hell to quit the first couple of days but it will get easier as you go along and the cravings will no longer be as nasty as they were when you started at the beginning, just remember, tobacco is like a drug and it should be outlawed, too many people die every year and many that had operations are back on smokes again, so I'm asking, why bother at all to get a smoke related problem fixed if you don't intend to quit, all you do is waste money...

April 29, 2002
I hate to admit it, I still get the odd craving even after 70 days, it was really a daily uphill battle, you sit there having a coffee and then it hits you, your fingers virtually don't know what to do and the craving sets in, you sort of get all itchy inside because a smoke would go great just about now and it would smooth things out, your nervousness, your cravings, it would all dissappear with just one single puff, well I'm sorry, if you really want to QUIT and STOP SMOKING you can NOT allow yourself even a single puff, remember, I've tried it 3 times before and even a single puff turned into smoking regular again, do yourself a favour, stick by your resolve that you made to stop smoking, I know it will be pure hell the first week, but once you reach the second week and more, you will be surprised how much your willpower has grown, you can then honestly say, "Hey, I'm off smoking and I like it", I can breathe now much easier, I don't cough as much anymore, when I laugh I don't start coughing. these are some of the things you have to look forward to, PLEASE try to stay off smokes, I know for some of you it will be extremely hard, but try!

How long before I stop craving?
The cravings lessen over time, but even ex-smokers who quit years ago sometimes get the urge to smoke. Many smokers slip back into the habit after about three months — not smoking hasn’t become a habit yet, you’re a bit off your guard, and the soothing qualities of a good smoke are still recognized by your body as an antidote to stress and an aid to relaxation.

have a look here if you become depressed because of smoke withdrawal!

Just a little note here, I have quit for over 70 day and still, I get these incredible urges to smoke, I hate it, but hell what can I do, So much for the question "How long before I stop craving" the only way I can suppress my urges is simply not having anything in the house to smoke I will not go out and waste money, yes, Money is a big factor for me, it is just that I can't see me spending over $8.50 for a bloody pack of smokes, they can stick that where the Sun don't shine (the smokes)... In any case, it seems the cravings have gone down again (Phew), so this is just an update on my progress...

May 03, 2002
I keep hearing from many people that quit, after a few days they seem to fall and take a puff, I can't tell you just how much of a challenge it is NOT to fall by the wayside and take a puff figuring one puff will not hurt and it will do away with the nasty URGE, even if it is for only an hour... People, please, if you really want to QUIT smoking, please, DO NOT take a puff, talk yourself into hating Tobacco and Cigarettes, do like I did, I sort of weaned myself off the stuff, it took me 3 weeks to do it and I am proud of it, day by day, I took a puff or two less than the day before, believe you me it works and then on day 21
I was ready, the other thing is, make sure you have no tobacco related stuff at home, after the first week, grab your Ash Trays and get rid of them, if someone in your Household is smoking, tell them that you are trying to quit and for the next few weeks do not smoke in your presence... tell them to take their smoking outside please, try it and I am sure that you will succeed...

May 06, 2002
The cravings have all but gone, I still get a slight craving now and then but it is nothing, the thing is I want to quit and never go back to smoking, wracking my guts out when I had to cough, break into a cough when I laughed, all that is gone, the air smells nice and fresh and even the food has now a nice taste to it, the only thing is, I do get to smell those that smoke, all I can say is "YUCK" what a vile smell it is.

May 09, 2002
Nicotine Patches
Do NOT use the Patch if you're prone of getting Strokes
The Patch has a fairly decent track record—about 20% of people who use it have quit and remained smoke-free after six months. It has the convenience of being over-the-counter, but it’s wise to consult a doctor before you start anyway, especially if you’re pregnant. Possible side effects include skin rashes, nausea, headaches and stomach problems, and children should not come into contact with the patch at all. Most importantly, don’t smoke while using the patch! Doing so can rocket your body’s nicotine level up to toxic levels which sort of defeats the purpose if you’re quitting for health reasons!

Nicotine Gum
Like patches, nicotine gum is available over-the-counter. Some people prefer it to the patch because chewing gum provides the oral stimulation that also comes from smoking. The goal is to have quit by the end of six months, but some ex-smokers chew it for longer periods. The taste may turn off some people.

May 12, 2002
I bit of advice, I was so tempted to have a smoke today, everything I did turned out wrong and finally I was so damn mad and frustrated, I thank the good Lord I didn't have anything in the house to smoke and I did have enough sense to remember what I went through to quit, so that made short work out of me wanting to smoke, I had enough will power and I will prevail... Oh yes, the reason I was so upset and frustrated, the new Computer that I bought (Pentium 4, 1.8 gigaherz) started to give me all kinds of problems, so they told me to bring it in and they will give me a new one...

May 13, 2002
I got back from the Quitnet today and while I was there I read some MEMBER Profiles, Oh man, some people are actually falling back and then stopping again, PLEASE people, stay away from the NICODEMON, you will have problems in later life, don't say "oh well, I can stop and start anytime as I want and it doesn't bother me!", listen, who are you trying to kid huh? it will affect your body in general, it is not just a myth, your Lungs and who knows what else will suffer, look it up, read it, listen to it, what does the Heart and Lung Association or the Cancer Society tell us every day, PLEASE, LISTEN to them, if you read this then you will know why I posted this comprehensive profile of myself here, QUITTING Nicotine and inhaling it never was an option, when we where younger it was the cool thing to do but... have you seen people that have gotten Emphysema or people that have gotten Lung Cancer from Smoking, please take it to heart and do yourself a favor... Stay off these cancer sticks, it used to be that it was only Tobacco, now the Companies adding Nicotine, and all kinds of Poison to the tobacco to cure it so it will taste nice to you the Consumer... Stay off it and forget it, I am so sorry that it took me so long to finally realize what I was doing to my Body, I thank the Good Lord that I have been spared any of the smoke related Illnesses, still, I lost my Mother to Tobacco, she died of Lung Cancer... so do yourself a BIG favour and QUIT...

May 16, 2002
Ok, finally, for the last two days I've had no real craving anymore, just a very light wanting, but nothing to be concerned about, now I need to look after my weight gain and see what I can do about it, got to remember, I am 71 and weight will not go away just like that, once you got it at this age the FAT feels like it is at home and it has no desire to leave you, one needs to fight the bloody fat and make it unwelcome, I must see what kind of exercise I can do, may the Good Lord have merci on me, I do not have any heart condition and don't wish to have one, now that I am OFF the danged Tobacco Train, I feel a thousand times better than I did when I was smoking, that should tell all of you QUITSMOKE wannabe's how good you will feel, of course it is hard as I said above but believe you me, it is well worth it, I did it after smoking for 58 years and I really had it hard but!!! I wanted to quit so badly and I did actually get off Tobacco, granted this was the 4'th time but I managed to do it a different way this time, while before, I simply fell into the house with the door and all and that didn't work, if you want to quit smoking, PLAN ahead, KNOW what is in store for you and you will succeed, LOOK up the different methods that allow you to quit, like the patch "NicoDerm" or gum like "Nicorette", then there's "Zyban" or "Wellbutrin" but you will need a prescription from your Doctor to get it, go and clear your Lungs, make them healthy again, yes, they will clear up AFTER you stop smoking, it will take a bit of time but... the life you save might be your own, so do it PLEASE...

May 23, 2002
Another update on myself... I had a drink yesterday, well, I am proud of myself, I didn't even get a hankering for a smoke, well, what can I say, normally when I have a drink it would only be natural that I would have a smoke, I didn't smoke and no hankering for one either? oh man... I could jump up and down with joy I feel so good about this, seems the (Zyban) Pills worked for me... So it can be done without going back to the old ways, Lord I am so damn
(forgive me Lord for using your name in vain) happy...

May 24, 2002
Finally something that might bother you all, I am now 3 months QUIT and I tried a drink, I had absolutely no desire to smoke and the same when I have my Coffee in the morning and at other times, I simply have no desire to smoke any more but I will not let that fool me and you should'nt let you guard down for one second, everytime I log on to QuitNet, I read profiles, you will be surprised just how many people fall back into the Tar pit, I do feel sorry for those people, REMEMBER what I stated somewhere here before, do you research before you quit and it will work, there is nothing to be affraid of, all you need is the real WILL that you really want to QUIT and that is all that matters.
What To Do If You Slip!!!
Smoking is a hard habit to break. In fact, many former smokers say they tried to quit three or four times before they were successful. So, if your effort to quit smoking was cut short, you're not alone. Remember that you have been a success to this point. Admit that you slipped. And forgive yourself. You do not have to become a smoker again. Keep in mind that even now, it's important not to let your guard down so you can be a x-smoker for keeps. As you approach your future as a non-smoker, it's good to have a plan to deal with potential roadblocks. Even after you've stopped for several months, you need to be careful about slipping into old patterns, right now, you're still in the walking stage of being an X-smoker, You must stay aware for a few more months before you can really run.
Here are some ways you can help stay on track:
Don't be fooled into thinking you can have a cigarette now and then. Even a single puff puts you at risk. Don't test yourself,remember your trigger situations and how to deal with them - don't undo all your hard work.
Remember, being a non-smoker all of a sudden is still new to you. let it go and protect yourself, you DON'T NEED a smoke.

May 27, 2002
Hey... Hallelujah, I haven't had any urges for the last few days, so I am extremely happy about that however, we are all different in our makeup, what works for me might not work for you, it all depends on you mental outlook, so just because I'm finally off these Cancersticks does not mean that you are off them, remember, I have a different attitude toward Tobacco and smoking, so be careful even after 3 months... Ok, this is just about my last update, just try to quit and I promise you, you will feel a hundred times better once you quit completely and if anyone offers you a Smoke, tell them to go and get bent! remember... If you quit and then start to smoke again you will have problems all over again when you decide to quit again, the cravings will not dissappear no matter what, that is why I maintain Tobacco is a drug that is far worse than Crack or Cocaine and it will be just as hard to get rid of the cravings and urges, you will get urges all your live, someone offers you a cigarette and you take just a single lousy puff, well that would do it, so DO NOT DO IT.

June 01, 2002
June 1'st now and still no Cravings and no Urges, well, that has to be something one can be proud of, YOU (if you're reading this) will also be able to do it, but like I said above, please remember, we are all different in our makeup and outlook on life, so what works for one person might not work for another, so never condem any person because they don't do what you tell them to do, it might have worked for you but it will be a different course of action for the next person or your partner even, try to find another way and keep your respect for the other person and show compassion, all we can do is try!

June 05, 2002
I quit my Zyban regime on Tuesday June 04, 2002, hmmm, I wonder because all of a sudden I do get these small urges to have a smoke but that will not happen(Thank God), I must hold on to my quit, after all, Zyban is the same as a Wellbutrin pill and they are after all just a tranquillizer, so why would that set off an urge to puff now? ah well I guess I will have another week of hardship coming my way, doesn't that NicoDemon ever give up? Well, as I say "Piss on Him" I know a bit hard, but that is how I feel and after 58 years I don't exactly mince my words, I say it the way I see it, I am so sorry that I ever started to smoke, think of all the money that I wasted, when I look at the Qnet and what my stats are meaning the money I saved, it nearly breaks my heart, you smoke and you don't realize just how much money you're throwing away, every Pack, Carton of Sickarettes pulls you in deeper and deeper... Lord have mercie on us...

June 07, 2002
I don't know how to describe it, all of a sudden I have Urges/Cravings for a Smoke... 'course I will not but I'm beginning to wonder if anyone can be so addicted to the Zyban Pills, I am off them now and here I start getting thoughts about smoking which is not ok with me, I will however NOT allow myself to be addicted to bloody Pills, they where originally distributed as tranquillity Pills and then it was found out that they actually helped the Smoking addiction cutting it down, now the Wellbutrin (another name for the same Pill) and covered in the Canada Healthcare system does the same thing, but of course, the Doctor can only prescribe a 2 month supply or the Health department will get suspicious, in Quebec the Pill (Zyban) is covered by the province, the rest of Canada (depending on the Drug Store where you buy you pills) will charge you $70.00 or less, well maybe even more, I did get them for only $40,00 before, so it's a ripoff as far as I am concerned... Anyway People... do not get hooked on either the damn pills or the patches, I read too many complaint's about the patches, please remember, the Patches have a certain amount of Nicotine in them PLEASE... don't get hooked on them because it is no better than Smokes and it will be just as hard to get off them... Ok... I'm off my Soapbox for this day... Good Luck... Looks like I'm back on the Soapbox... Oh Lord, since I am off the Pills (Zyban) the urge is really laying it onto me, "c'mon, just one won't do you any harm, try it and I will go away" man, I'm telling you, this is unreal, I thought I had it all under control but by the looks of it, I will really need my will to stay OFF those damn Cancer Sticks, I started and I will abide and nothing is going to make me smoke again, the pain that I went through at the beginning, well, after 58 years? no bloody wonder, I smoked too long and the Body will not let up or should I say the damn NicoDemon will not take "NO" for an answer, well, then it is up to us the Quit Folks to show him what we are made of, Urges? go away and do not give in like the many people that I see on the Quitnet, we can do it and we will succeed.

June 14, 2002
Good grief, the urges are back, no matter what I do I want a sickarette, what in hell is it with me, gee 111 days and all off a sudden I seem to go off the deep end?, NO, NO, we can't have that, I got to shoot the NicoDemon, well, not this guy, I will finish this come hell or high water, I had enough selfinflicted miserie to give in now, so NICODEMON... be gone, you ain't going to get this guy... Ahhh, man that feels better now...

From my own observations about smoking or not to!

If you sit home and do nothing, if you sit and watch TV, if you are bored and the list goes on and on and on. the Nicodemon will show up at any fortunate moment if you do any of the above (in)activity, people, I smoked for 58 years and I really followed my progress, I also took notes of what would set me off, so take heed and do not give in to anything that gives you time to think, If you walk outside, if you have a purpose in life, if you can think of anything that does not put you into an enviroment of doing nothing then you can do things in a positive way, never give up on your Goal or God, fight it, I was lucky even after 58 years I had the will power to help me but I watched, remember am disabled so I can not run all over God's creation, it has to come from within but I did find if I went out on my Scooter I was able to forget all about my smoking and that is basically what you will have to do, do something that will get your mind OFF smoking, thing about other things and you will be surprised what can be done once your mind is OFF the smoke Train. a Cigarette is not your friend, it will kill you in the long run, it will poison your lungs, please take heed, QUIT while you have a chance, the people here at the QuitNet are willing to help in any way they can and it is not just simply smoking but if you are addicted to Alcohol or any of the other substances, then we do have an area for just about anyone, be it Spiritual or anything else, Help us to help you for there is always someone here to look after you. God bless, Bill

June 20, 2002
I am damned... I havent had an urge for the last week so I'm wondering what is going on? well I guess I am over the hump and it has gone down that-a-way now, Gee ya poor snuck NicoDemon... sorry to let you down like that, I am over my addiction to the best of my knowhow and in such a short time, I suppose that is why I am not addicted now to anything, no Pills, No Drugs (Prescription or otherwise), No Booze, and now No Smokes, time to celebrate with a nice Coffee and thank the good Lord for the blessings that he heaped on my plate, I am indeed honoured to be free of everything and I aim to stay that way... I guess I am truly finished with writing my Profile, so you all take care and Stay your course on QUIT...

Good Luck is all I can wish you on your effort to quit, if you need me for anything, just pop the question on Quitnet and I will reply to your query, so God bless and God speed...

11/4/2002 New Release
Nicotine Lozenge Receives FDA Approval

For the first time ever, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given its approval for an over-the-counter lozenge containing nicotine, the Associated Press reported Nov. 1. The nicotine lozenge, produced by GlaxoSmithKline, is designed to reduce cigarette cravings.
Called Commit, the lozenge comes in varying doses of nicotine. How long a smoker goes between cigarettes determines the strength they should use, according to the manufacturer.
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These are websites you can visit if you would like to quit smoking or if you have quit smoking,

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Bob's Place- - - - - - Quitnet- - - - - - Why Quit Smoking

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Nicotine Anonymous- - - - - - Cognitive Quitting of Smoking

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All kinds of things you can do to feel better Quit Smoking it will give you help when you're down and out

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Quit Smoking Online- - - - - - Smokeworm (it's a Book) - Careful, this damn site will not let you go back to your previous site by back Clicking on your mouse.

Color Bar - - - - Wellplex stop smoking Clinics Very expensive but it works

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Quit Smoking Search Page

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Second Hand SMOKE does Kill, go Smokefree !!!!!

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So you want to Quit Smoking - - - - - - Quit Smoking Online

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Commit Lozenges - - - Click here for FREE Stop Smoking Guide * This is the FREE Book

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* * *

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Click on the butts for another Tobaccofree page

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AA Search Page

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Canadian Users | | U.S.A. Users

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Why you should give SMOKING up

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Smoking lowest Moments

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Nicotine Annonymous

NA - Narcotics anonimous Search Page

to my HORROR Page, A whole pile of Links for those that want to quit
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